Featured News & Publications

ChatGPT shows better moral judgment than a college undergrad
A new research study by the CCC Lab investigates perceptions of LLM responses to a moral Turing test.
A new research publication by the CCC Lab discuss relationships between psychopathic traits and intrinsic RSN alterations in incarcerated high-risk adolescent girls.
Research Participation
If you found our ad to participate in a research study and wish to confirm our approval status, you may contact the Georgia State University human subjects compliance office at 404-413-3513 (IRB # H16349), or contact us here.

Punishment as a scarce resource: a potential policy intervention for managing incarceration rates
A new research publication by the CCC Lab finds that when people are prompted to think about punishment as a limited resource, they change their punishment preferences, favoring probation instead of prison for the least serious crimes.
Justice at Any Cost? A Hidden Driver of Mass Incarceration
When consumers are distracted from the costs of our consumption decisions, we consume to no end. And as long as criminal sentencing is paid for with an open tab, the U.S. will continue to drown in punishment. But eventually, we have to pay that tab in one form or another.

CA Assembly passes bill to disclose costs of incarceration.
Innovative measure would make California the first state in the nation to formally require consideration of costs in criminal sentencing.

Neuro-interventions as Punishment?
By Corey H. Allen, Eddy Nahmias, and Eyal Aharoni
The Neuroethics Blog - Center for Ethics, Neuroethics Program at Emory University

Podcast - "What Psychology and Neuroscience Can Teach us about Criminal Justice in America"

Should criminal offenders be given choices in punishment? Guest post on Autonomy in Sentencing by Dr. Aharoni on PEA Soup philosophy blog.

Read CCC's latest feature on Newsweek: Should brain scans influence how heavily criminals are punished?
A recap of the lab's PLOS One publication titled Reconciling the opposing effects of neurobiological evidence on criminal sentencing judgments.

In a new blog on The Conversation, Ph.D. candidate Corey Allen and Dr. Eyal Aharoni, discuss the findings and implications of their recently published study examining the effect of neurobiological evidence on sentencing recommendations.

Read Science Trends press release of a recent publication by the CCC Lab regarding the effects of neurobiological information on sentencing decisions.

“If we want to improve the criminal justice system... we need to better understand the punishment attitudes of ordinary citizens because our policies should reflect society’s values. "

The CCC lab wins Best Student Poster at the annual Society for Judgement and Decision Making conference in New Orleans, titled: Justice at all costs? Transparency about the costs of incarceration decreases lay sentencing recommendations.

Find the newest publication of the CCC Lab in Behavioral Sciences and the Law. This publication concerns cost-benefit salience and its impact on punishment recommendations.

The CCC lab has been awarded a research grant by the National Science Foundation to investigate how brain function contributes to risk of violent and antisocial behavior in former inmates. The goal of this study is to improve the ability to identify and treat high risk individuals based on their unique risk needs.

The Cooperation, Conflict, and Cognition Lab wins Elsevier Poster Prize at the Annual Meeting of the International Neuroethics Society for presenting their research on the effects of framing on criminal punishment and involuntary commitment.

Watch Dr. Aharoni's TEDxABQ presentation regarding the proper use of neuro-prediction in decisions to punish, release, and rehabilitate criminal offenders on the basis of scientific evidence about their individual risk.
Outreach Smartphone Monitoring (OSM) named in Harvard's Top 25 innovative programs in American government. OSM elicits target behavior among individuals under community supervision by gamifying the reentry process.

Should Our Brains Count as Courtroom Evidence? Vice Magazine describes the state of neuroprediction research and it's implications for the criminal justice system.

Presidential Commission on Bioethical Issues publishes Gray Matters volume on NeuroLaw, it's scientific developments, limitations, and policy implications.

MacArthur Foundation's network on law and neuroscience cites neuroprediction research by Aharoni et al. in invited commentary to the President's Commission for the study of bioethical issues.

Social Neuroscience journal publishes research article on Predictive Accuracy in the Neuroprediction of Rearrest by Aharoni, E., Mallett, J., Vincent, G. M., Harenski, C. L., Calhoun, V. D., Sinnott-Armstrong, W., Gazzaniga, M. S., & Kiehl, K. A. (2014).

Journal of Science & Law (JSciLaw) is an interdisciplinary publication that provides a forum for scholarship at the intersection of scientific research and legal policy. JSciLaw aims to unite disciplines and to encourage collaboration between scientific researchers, legal scholars, and policymakers. Reflecting its interdisciplinary nature, the JSciLaw editorial board includes scholars from the fields of neuroscience, law, criminology, statistics, and policy. (See Editorial Board.)

Too Far or Not Far Enough: The Ethics and Future of Neuroscience and Law
By Jonah Queen.
The Neuroethics Blog - Center for Ethics, Neuroethics Program at Emory University
Accepting Applications
The Cooperation, Conflict, and Cognition lab is now accepting applications for Ph.D. students in psychology and cognitive neuroscience at Georgia State University. Eligible Ph.D. applicants may also be selected to receive funding and training in Neuroethics. Research interests may include the study of the ethical implications of neuroscience technologies and/or associated issues in moral, legal, or forensic psychology. For more information, inquire here.
Raffle Participation
We are conducting a research study to investigate courtroom‐style decisions, and attitudes about others. Participants will be invited to enter into a raffle for a chance to win one of two $50 Amazon gift cards. To enter the raffle without completing the survey, you must print this registration form and
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